Mimes painting the face white originated from stage shows dating back as far as 467 BC. This form of entertainment used gestures,...
Pre-wrapped or homemade bars can be a great choice for a quick and portable snack. With all the claims on the labels,...
Working as a professional dancer is a challenging path, and not everyone is cut out for it. Whether you are forced to...
It’s no surprise that the current craze in fitness is dance-inspired workouts. Throughout the years, the dancer’s graceful yet athletic body has...
The dietary supplement industry is estimated to be worth between $23 billion and $32 billion per year and growing1,2. Recent headlines report...
By Mary Callahan of Dance Informa. Picture this: You get paid to live on a four-star cruise ship, dance in Broadway-caliber shows, and travel...
By Rain Francis of Dance Informa. 1. “I’m tired. (Or “I’m hungry”). Dance can be hard work, we can all agree on that....
A behind-the-scenes look at stage makeup from a former competition judge’s point of view. By Christine Dion of Mode Dion. As the...
Finally lose those extra pounds by simply shifting the way we think about our food choices – No calorie counting required. By...
By Laura Di Orio of Dance Informa. Dance students new to pointe are always excited. They’ve been watching their favorite ballerinas since they...
Attention DANCE TEACHERS Dance Informa’s 2014 Recital Costume Guide is Out Now! The 2015 costume ranges are just stunning! Visit www.danceinforma.us/recital-costume-guide to...
Dance competition and convention season is starting! Where will you dance? Dance Informa has compiled a guide of the hottest dance competitions...
By Paul Henderson. The other day I happened to glance down at my wife’s feet. No shoes and no socks revealed a...
By Paul Henderson. I’ve had a few names in my lifetime. I was named Paul when I was born. When I married...
Jump start your metabolism with these quick and easy breakfast ideas. By Emily C. Harrison MS, RD, LD in collaboration with Jessica...
By Laura Di Orio of Dance Informa. Some dance opportunities, whether they are full-time company jobs, guest artist gigs or summer programs,...
By Chasta Hamilton Calhoun, The Dance Exec. Dance studios have long explored the best way to offer recital ticket sales—whether it is...
How to start the new season looking and feeling your very best. By Christine Dion of Mode Dion. Back to school means...
By Rebecca Martin of Dance Informa. You’ve landed your dream audition for a company, school or production and you’re all prepared for...
By Katherine Moore of Dance Informa. Here you are! After years and years of dance study you’re finally enrolled in a college dance...
By Leigh Schanfein of Dance Informa. Who is an athletic trainer? The National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) defines Athletic Trainers (AT) as...
Growing, maintaining and curling lashes – plus mascara myths and the truth about false lashes! By Christine Dion of Mode Dion. Nothing is...