By Laura Di Orio. Art reflects life, and in dance we see stories of relationships, of people during times of love, loss...
By Emily Yewell Volin Dance class environments are as diverse as the spectrum of dance genres. Many instructors adhere to a strict...
By Kristy Johnson. At Dance Informa HQ we’re going to tackle your makeup mishaps head on, with a little help from professional...
By Emily Yewell Volin. You know it when you see it. Some call it star power, others say it’s an innate quality...
By Jessica Innes. It is said “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” and with...
By Grace Edwards How can teachers keep kids interested in ballet? Aware of the benefits of a strong classical foundation, many teachers...
Dance educators take note: In the world of online dance sites, DanceTeacherWeb is one of the best, providing a wealth of resources...
Do you have a question relating to your dance career? Leading dance agents Aris Golemi of Xcel Talent Agency and Jim Keith...
Creative careers in dance related industries By Emily Yewell Volin. Most dancers aspire for professional performance work and many will achieve this...
What questions do you have relating to dance training, performing or teaching? As dancers, in a complex industry, we have many questions...
Creative careers in dance related industries – Part One. By Emily Yewell Volin. The Chinese philosopher, Confucius said, “choose a job you...
With Tina Sparks of Stand Out Cosmetics Can’t master the smokey eye, or winged eyeliner? Want your skin to look less shiny...
The search for a great teacher is something that every dancer understands, but what do the teachers say? By Paul Ransom. From...
It’s a matter of environment. Advice for High School Seniors deciding on their college choice for 2011. By Professor Vincas Greene. “How...
By Emily Yewell Volin. It’s job hunting time and you’re ready. You’ve spent countless hours training with the best teachers you can...
Advice for Male Dancers from Desmond Richardson. Artistic Director/Co.Founder of Complexions Contemporary Ballet. Desmond Richardson, one of the world’s most acclaimed male...
By Rain Francis. Do you have an upcoming audition? Dance Informa wanted to give you a headstart with some top audition advice....
Advice for freshman dancers … By Deborah Searle. So you’ve just started college? You’re excited, but nervous and wondering what to expect? Dance...
Your Dance Questions Answered! What questions do you have relating to dance training, performing or teaching? As dancers in a complex industry,...
ADT Assistant Choreographer Larissa McGowan shares her choreographic tips on the eve of their August Ignition season. By Deborah Searle. Australian Dance...
What questions do you have relating to dance training, performing or teaching? As dancers in a complex industry, we have many questions...
Looking for a way to increase enrollments in 2010? Why not advertise with Dance Informa? Dance Informa is Australia’s most popular dance...