The Joffrey Ballet is proud to present the world premiere of Rita Finds Home, a family-friendly program and collaborative project between the Joffrey and...
The Joffrey Ballet opens its inaugural season at the Lyric Opera House and marks its return to live performances with Home: a Celebration,...
Streaming on YouTube.Released on March 25, 2021. Reflecting the society in which it resides, the dance world has been having wide-ranging conversations...
Chicago Dancers United (CDU) has announced the lineup for Dance for Life 2020: United as One, a digital event showcasing Dance for...
Concert dance means many people gathered together in a confined space — audiences, crew members, performers and front-of-house staff. That’s the simple...
March 2020 — COVID-19 begins to spread across the U.S.. States begin shutting down businesses and imposing restrictions on gatherings of people...
Dance is undeniably a highly handed-down tradition. The artists whose work is preserved and honored were most often innovators in their time....